Department Of Nuclear Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- 1p-H-5 (p,d)反応による^Caの深部空孔状態に関する研究
- 7p-F-5 分割陰極読み出しによる大型焦点面検出器,位置検出の基礎研究
- 3a-SD-1 Scattering of 18.5 MeV Neutroons from ^Ni
- Absolute Neutron Sensitivity of a GSO (Ce) Scintillation Detector
- Development of Soft X-Ray Sources with Electron Guns of Field Emission- and Thermal Cathode-Types and Their Application to Counter Experiments
- Two-Dimensional Position Sensitive Gas Counter with Backgammon Read-Out
- A Computer-Simulation Model for Self-Quenching Streamer (SQS) Propagation Induced by Ionization Track of Alpha-Ray
- Self-Quenching Streamer Transitions Induced by α- and β-Rays in a Gas Counter
- Characteristics of the Self-Quenching Streamer Mode in a Gas Counter
- Simplified Monte Carlo Dose Calculation for Therapeutic Proton Beams : Cross-Disciplinary Areas
- Range-Modulated Pencil Beam Algorithm for Proton Dose Calculations : Cross-Disciplinary Areas
- Experimental Verification of Pencil Beam Algorithm by Measurements of Proton Dose Distributions of Heterogeneous Phantoms
- Study of proton slit scattering
- 放射光を用いた光線療法の基礎研究 : 高輝度放射光施設SPring-8を用いた光療法
- Suprathermal Fusion Reactions in Laser-imploded DT Pellet and Its Applicability to Pellet Diagnosis
- Neutron Heating Effect in Laser-Imploded DT Pellet
- 9P-C-8 高エネルギー領域での荷電重粒子トラック構造に関するシミュレーションの研究(C会場 一般講演)
- 電子線照射により生成したCaF_2結晶中欠陥集合体のその場TEM観察
- Spring-8放射光を用いた磁性流体の生体内での観測について(一般講演 A2)
- SPring8放射光を用いたナノ磁性流体の動的性質の観察(一般講演 A2)