Department Of Mathematics University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- Cogalois theory for field extensions
- Isomorphism of a Piecewise Linear Transformation to a Markov Automorphism
- Further Observations on Cystic Dilatation of the Intrahepatic Biliary System in Biliary Atresia after Hepatic Portoenterostomy : Report on 10 Cases
- Pluri-Genera δ_m of Normal Surface Singularities with C^*-Action
- Notes on energy for space-time processes over Levy processes : Dedicated to Professor Masanori Kishi on his 60th birthday
- Cauchy problem for Non-Strictly Hyperbolic Systems
- Some Properties of Holomorphic Mappings into Algebraic Manifolds
- On the Degree of Determinacy of Homogeneous Polynomials in Complex Variables
- The mapping cone method and the Hattori-Villamayor-Zelinsky sequences
- Fine movability
- On the Topological Types of Singularities of Brieskorn-Pham Type
- A Criterion for 2-dimensional Normal Singularities to be weakly Elliptic
- On the Geometric Genus and the Inner Modality of Quasihomogeneous Isolated Singularities
- On Certain Rational Singularities in Dimensions >2
- On Purely Elliptic Singularities
- Finite groups with trivial class groups
- An extension of a theorem of Myers
- On curvature properties of Kähler C-spaces
- On a skew polynomial ring
- Clinical Outcomes of Japanese MPO-ANCA-related Nephritis: Significance of Initial Renal Death for Survival