Department Of Internal Medicine Aiseikai Yamashina Hospital | 論文
- Role of hepatic iron in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
- Detection of hepatitis C virus natural recombinant RF1_2k/1b strain among intravenous drug users in Uzbekistan
- Comparison of complete sequences of hepatitis B virus genotype C between inactive carriers and hepatocellular carcinoma patients before and after seroconversion
- Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome Caused by Acute Hepatitis B Virus Genotype D Infection
- Correction of hallux valgus deformity using the center of rotation of angulation method
- Identification of apoptotic hepatocytes in situ in rat liver after lead nitrate administration
- The Expression of c-myc Messenger RNA during Rat Hepatocarcinogenesis
- Retreatment with interferon-α at dosages or period increased by 1.3 times is effective for treatment for transient responders and non-responders in chronic hepatitis C patients
- Enlarged peroneal tubercle with peroneus longus tenosynovitis
- Axial radiographic evaluation in hallux valgus : evaluation of the transverse arch in the forefoot
- Partial tarsal arthrodesis for rheumatoid feet
- Evaluation of the longitudinal arch of the foot with hallux valgus using a newly developed two-dimensional coordinate system
- Morphologic changes of the ankle in children as assessed by radiography and arthrography
- Neurohistology of the sinus tarsi and sinus tarsi syndrome
- Transient biochemical response in interferon therapy decreases the development of hepatocellular carcinoma for five years and improves the long-term survival of chronic hepatitis C patients
- GB virus C/hepatitis G virus infection among patients with hepatocellular carcinoma^1
- Novel Findings for the Development of Drug Therapy for Various Liver Diseases:Genetic Variation in IL-28B Is Associated With Response to the Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C
- Effect of the combination of ipriflavone and 1α-OH-D_3 on debilitant bone in growing rats : Ultrastructural study of endochondral ossification
- Stimulated Kupffer cells attract cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and increase the adhesion of CTL to sinusoidal endothelial cells