Department Of General Thoracic Surgery Jichi Medical School | 論文
- サルコイドーシスに合併した肺癌の2切除例
- Large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma without immunohistological positivity or serum elevation of CEA until relapse
- Spontaneous regression of symptomatic thymoma caused by infarction
- Descending necrotizing mediastinitis secondary to retropharyngeal abscess without cervical spread
- Chronic diaphragmatic hernia
- Plastron-Trapdoor Technique for Direct-Vision Sternal Re-entry
- Predictors of Postoperative Complications After Radical Resection for Pulmonary Aspergillosis
- Preoperative Chemotherapy for cStage III-pN0 Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
- Thoraco-pleuropneumonectomy for Rupture of a Huge Chronic Hematoma of the Thorax
- The prevention of organ injuries by the inhibition of leukocyte activation
- Pleural Gas Gangrene Secondary to Esophageal injury by an Ingested Fish Bone
- Successful Reconstruction of Extensive Laryngotracheal Strictures After Inhalation Burn Injury : Report of a Case
- Guideline of Surgical Management Based on Diffusion of Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis
- Late Pleuropulmonary Aspergillosis After the Treatment of Pneumothorax: Report of Three Cases
- Pulmonary Histoplasmosis in a Japanese Male : Report of a Case
- Subcarinal Neurogenic Tumor : Report of a Case
- Induction Chemoimmunotherapy
- Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema