Department Of General Medicine Kanazawa Medical University | 論文
- Basaloid-Squamous Carcinoma of the Esophagus : Report of a Case
- Survival and prognosticators of node-positive cervical cancer patients treated with radical hysterectomy and systematic lymphadenectomy
- Pleomorphic Carcinoma of the Lung Arising in a Patient with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome : Report of a Case
- 18F-FDG uptake in primary lung cancer as a predictor of intratumoral vessel invasion
- Spontaneous pneumothorax in a patient with dendriform pulmonary ossification : report of a case
- A Case of Castleman's Disease with Myasthenia Gravis
- Endobronchial Closure of a Bronchopleural Fistula Using a Fibrin Glue-Coated Collagen Patch and Fibrin Glue