Department Of Forensic Medicine Tohoku University School Of Medicine | 論文
- A Mutation in the Flavin-containing Monooxygenase 3 Gene and its Effects on Catalytic Activity for N-oxidation of Trimethylamine In Vitro
- PCR-direct sequencing によるABO式血液型 genotyping
- 遅発性肝破裂が疑われた幼児虐待の1剖検例
- In vitro 免疫および ELSA スポット・アッセイを用いた IgG 単クローンペルオキシダーゼ抗体作製法の検討
- Genetic Polymorphism in the 5'-Flanking Region of Human CYP1A2 Gene : Effect on the CYP1A2 Inducibility in Humans
- X-chromosome inactivation in the human trophoblast of early pregnancy
- 抗涙抗体の作製と体液汚染涙斑痕の血液型判定への適用
- Polymorphism of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Loci PLA2, D3S2459, D8S315 (kw38), CYP19, D3S1359, FGA, and D8S1132 in the Japanese and Chinese Populations
- Monoclonal Antibody against and Amniotic Protein Carrying ABH Blood Group Epitopes and Its Forensic Application
- Preparation of Tear Specific Antibody and Its Application to Forensic Practice
- Evaluation of rebreathing potential on bedding for infant use
- Correlation between Serum IL-6 Levels and Death : Usefulness in Diagnosis of "Traumatic Shock"?
- Regional differences in homicide patterns in five areas of Japan
- Sudden death of a young woman due to aortic dissection caused by Turner's syndrome
- Inhaled Air Trapping Effect of Japanese Bedding as a Risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy
- X chromosome inactivation patterns in 45,X/46,XX mosaics