Department Of Environmental Engineering Osaka University | 論文
- Enzymatic Degradation of Cellulose Acetate Plastic by Novel Degrading Bacterium Bacillus sp. S2055
- A Novel Method of Enumerating Nocardia amarae in Foaming Activated Sludge
- Plasmid-Coded Degradation of Salicylate Using the Catechol Cleavage Pathway of the Host
- Formation of Stable Foam by the Cells and Culture Supernatant of Gordonia(Nocardia)amarae
- Screening of Bacteria Capable of Producing Bioflocculants from Acetic and Propionic Acids
- Decolorization of Heat-TreatmentLiquor of Waste Sludge by a Bioreactor Using Polyurethane Foam-Immobilized White Rot Fungus Equipped with an Ultramembrane Filtration Unit
- Factors Affecting Soluble Selenium Removal by a Selenate-Reducing Bacterium Bacillus sp.SF-1
- Microbial Decolorization of Melanoidin-Containing Wastewaters : Combined Use of Activated Sludge and the Fungus Coriolus hirsutus
- Characterization of a Bioflocculant Produced by Citrobacter sp. TKF04 from Acetic and Propionic Acids
- Application of a Floc-Forming Genetically Engineered Microorganism to a Sequencing Batch Reactor for Phenolic Wastewater Treatment
- Adsorption of Bacterial Cells onto Activated Sludge Flocs
- 活性汚泥から分離したフロック形成菌Sphingomonas paucimobilis 551の特性
- Establishment of the GEN Automatic Weather Station(AWS)in Khumbu region, Nepal Himalayas
- Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Selenate-Reducing Bacterium, Bacillus sp. SF-1
- 新規ビスフェノ-ルA(2,2-ビス(4-ヒドロキシフェニル)プロパン)分解菌Pseudomonas paucimobilis FJ-4株の分離とその特性〔英文〕
- Effects of Inoculation of a Genetically Engineered Bacterium on Performance and Indigenous Bacteria of a Sequencing Batch Activated Sludge Process Treating Phenol
- THM formation in water supply intakes at Maha Oya in Sri Lanka
- Gradient-based PIV Using Neural Networks
- Scale Model Experiment on the Dispersion of Automobile Exhaust Gas around Street (特集 流体の可視化)
- Biosurfactant Production from Acetic Acid as a Strategy for Waste Sludge Utilization