Department Of Environmental Engineering Osaka University | 論文
- Accelerated Aromatic Compounds Degradation in Aquatic Environment by Use of Interaction between Spirodela polyrrhiza and Bacteria in Its Rhizosphere(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Development of Simple Methods of DNA Extraction from Environmenal Samples for Monitoring Microbial Community Based on PCR
- Design of PCR Primers and Gene Probes for the General Detection of Bacterial Populations Capable of Degrading Aromatic Compounds via Catechol Cleavage Pathways
- Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of the Phenol Hydroxylase Gene from Pseudomonas putida BH
- The Integrated Management Systems of ISO Standards
- Modeling the Transition from Zone Settling to Compression of a Bulking Activated Sludge
- Effects of Pharmacists' Consultation on Serum Cholesterol Level Using Drug History Notebook or Drug Instruction Sheets for Outpatients with Hypercholesterolemia
- コンポスト化を模擬した温度パターンにおける指標細菌の不活性化と再増殖の検討
- Comprehensive temperature monitoring in an in-vessel forced-aeration static-bed composting process
- A case study of temperature distribution in a composting reactor
- Trichloroethylene Degradation by Genetically Engineered Bacteria Carrying Cloned Phenol Catabolic Genes
- Occurrence and persistence of indigenous transconjugants carrying conjugative plasmids in soil(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Slurry bioreactor modeling using a dissimilatory arsenate-reducing bacterium for remediation of arsenic-contaminated soil(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- ラボスケール膜分離バイオリアクターによるベトナムホーチミン市のゴカット埋立処分場浸出水の処理成績
- Potential of Predominant Activated Sludge Bacteria as Recipients in Conjugative Plasmid Transfer(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 2D09-5 Influence of Minerals on the Production of an Exopolysaccharide by Fed-Batch Culture of Citrobacter sp. TKF04
- 1004 Acid hydrolysis and determination of total hexosamine in biopolymer produced by Citrobacter sp. TKF04 using modified elson-morgan method
- 744 Production of a novel bioflocculant by fed-batch culture of Citrobacter sp. TKF04
- 嫌気-好気活性汚泥プロセスの窒素除去成績に及ぼすステップ流入比および水温の影響
- Comparative Studies on Utilization of Fatty Acids and Hydrocarbons in Nocardia amarae and Rhodococcus spp.