Department Of Engineering Science Kyoto University | 論文
- Investigation Into the 5-Hydroxytryptophan-Evoked Luminal 5-Hydroxytryptamine Release From the Guinea Pig Colon
- Fatigue Mechanisms of Porous Silicon Carbide under Cyclic Loading(Ceramics & Rocks 1)
- 光ヘテロダインレーザ顕微鏡
- Exit-Angle Dependence of Neutral Fraction in MeV Hydrogen Beams Straightly Transmitted through a Thin Aluminum Foil
- Neutral Fraction of Ions Penetrated through a Thin Aluminum Foil at Small-Angle Incidence of Fast Protons : Atoms and Molecules
- ^1H-NMR on kagome Lattice Antiferromagnet m-MPYNN・BF_4
- Vicinage Effects in Secondary Electrons Yields from the (001) Surface of SnTe Induced by MeV Hydrogen Clusters
- Acoustic Radiation Induced by Intensity Modulated Ion Beam
- Characteristic Energy Loss Spectra of II-VI Compounds
- B-13-36 FBG温度センサの小型化及び低コスト化(B-13. 光ファイバ応用技術)
- 全光電子型ディジタル積算電力計(アクセス及びアクセス用光部品,光通信,光計測,光ファイバ応用,オペレーション/保守監視,一般)
- B-13-27 水晶を用いた電圧、電流、電力の同時計測における旋光性および温度依存性の検討
- 水晶を用いた電圧、電流、電力の同時計測
- 水晶を用いた電圧、電流、電力の同時計測
- 水晶を用いた電圧、電流、電力の同時計測
- Effects of Dislocation on Planar Channelling of Energetic H^+ and He^+ Ions
- Dechannelling of Energetic Charged Particles at Dislocations in An-Ag Solid Solution
- Detection of Fast Ions by Self-Scanning Photodiode Array
- Planar Dechannelling of Energetic Ions at Dislocations. : III. Dechannelling at Edge Dislocations in Si
- Yield of Ion-Induced Secondary Electrons from Single Crystal