Department Of Endocrine Qilu Hospital Shandong University | 論文
- Agrobacterium tumefaciensによるOdontoglossum ringspot virus外皮タンパク質遺伝子導入玉花ランの作出
- Campesin, a thermostable antifungal peptide with highly potent antipathogenic activities(MISCELLANEOUS)
- Adiponectin Reduces Glucotoxicity-Induced Apoptosis of INS-1 Rat Insulin-Secreting Cells on a Microfluidic Chip
- A New Synthesis Route for MWW Analogues Using Octyltrimethylammonium Cations as Structure-directing Agents under Alkali-free Conditions
- Hydrothermal Synthesis of Hexamethyleneimine-templated TS-1 Supported by Active Seeds
- The association between cytokine gene polymorphisms and the outcomes of chronic HBV infection
- Papillary glioneuronal tumor : A clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study of two cases
- Study of Antiepileptic Effect of Extracts from Acorus tatarinowii Schott
- Decreased CD154 expression by neonatal CD4^+ T cells is due to limitations in both proximal and distal events of T cell activation
- Cymbidium mosaic virus と Odontoglossum ringspot virus 外皮タンパク質遺伝子のクローニング, シーケンシングおよび pGreen II ベクターへの構築について
- Parallel Visualization for Earthquake Simulation in GeoFEM
- Secretion of 112 kDa Phosphatase from the Cultured Suspension Cells of Liverworts
- Secretion of Alleochemicals from the Cultured Suspension Cells of Marchantia polymorpha
- p-Chlorophenoxyacetic Acidおよび 1-(2-Chloro-4-Pyridyl)-3-Phenylureaが受粉または未受粉下におけるミニトマト果実の発育と糖および酸含量に及ぼす影響
- Use of Serum Homocysteine to Predict Stroke, Coronary Heart Disease and Death in Ethnic Chinese : 12-Year Prospective Cohort Study
- 玉化蘭ライゾームへのHIVスーパー抗体酵素41S-2(L)遺伝子の導入と形質転換
- Treatment with Immunosuppressants FTY720 and Tacrolimus Promotes Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats
- Agrobacterium を用いた Phalaenopsis へのウイルス外被タンパク質遺伝子の導入
- Agrobacterium を用いた玉化蘭へのウイルス外被タンパク質遺伝子の導入
- Agrobacterium による Phalaenopsis の形質転換