Department Of Electrical Engineering Kyoto University | 論文
- Amplitude response curves of frequency-locked rotations
- A Jitter Less VCO Model in PLL for EMTP Simulation
- Grammar Writing System (GRADE) of Mu-Machine Translation Project and its Characteristics
- A System for the Analysis of Aerial Photographs and Their Preprocessing
- Planar Photonic Crystal Nanolasers (I) : Porous Cavity Lasers(Photonic Crystals and Their Device Applications)
- AlGaSb Single, Double and Multiple Heterostructures Grown by Liquid-Phase Epitaxy and their Photoluminescence Properties : Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
- Predicted Extremely High Mobilities of Two-Dimensional Electrons in AlGaSb/GaSb and AlInAsSb/InAs Single Heterostructures
- Full-Blown Cushing's Disease after an Episode of Pituitary Apoplexy
- Organometallic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy of GaAs Using Triethylarsenic as Arsenic Source : Condensed Matter
- Electrical and Optical Properties of Ag/p-InP/p-InGaAs Schottky Photodiodes
- Fabrication of 1-μm Wavelength Region Ag/p-InP/p-InGaAs Schottky Photodiodes by LPE and Selective Etching
- Electron Mobility Calculations of In_Ga_As Taking the Two-Mode Lattice vibrations into Account
- Calculated Electron Mobility of Two-Dimensional Electrons in AIInAs/InGaAs and InP/InGaAs Single Heterostructures
- Growth of Luminescent GaAsP on Si Substrate by Metalorganic Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using GaP Buffer Layer
- Adaptive Modulation and Code Channel Elimination for Vector Coding System
- Principle and in vivo Application of Measurement of Blood Flow by Heated Thermocouple with Feedback Controlled Heater
- Growth of AlN (112^^-0) on 6H-SiC (112^^-0) by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy : Semiconductors
- Weak Carrier/Exciton Localization in InGaN Quantum Wells for Green Laser Diodes Fabricated on Semi-Polar {2021} GaN Substrates
- Monolithic Polychromatic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on InGaN Microfacet Quantum Wells toward Tailor-Made Solid-State Lighting
- Blue, Green, and Amber InGaN/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes on Semipolar {1122} GaN Bulk Substrates