Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Ehime University | 論文
- 昇降圧チョッパ兼用形電子バラストの動作解析
- 高調波低減兼用形電子バラストの研究
- Xeバリア放電における共鳴線に関する研究
- Impact of Organic Contaminants from the Environment of Electrical Characteristics of Thin Gate Oxides
- A New-type of Xenon-Neon Barrier Discharge Fluorescent Lamps : Double Helical External Electrodes Lamp (DHEL)(Light Sources Workshop, 2005 (1))
- Observations of Silicon Surfaces Exposed to Inductively Coupled CHF_3 and C_4F_8/H_2 Plasmas Using Fourier Transform Infrared Ellipsometry
- Characterization of Single Grain Boundaries in a Bi-Doped ZnO Varistor Using a Focused Ion Beam System
- Processes in Low Pressure Mercury : Rare Gas Discharges
- The Effect of Buffer Gas and Excitation Mode in Low Pressure Nitrogen Discharges
- Impact of Thermal Nitridation on Microscopic Stress-Induced Leakage Current in Sub-10-nm Silicon Dioxides
- An Experimental Study of Submillimeter-Wave Horn Antennae for a Submillimeter-Wave Array
- B-1-225 Submillimeter-Wave Horn Design and Measurement
- High-Quality CVD/Thermal Stacked Gate Oxide Films with Hydrogen-Free CVD SiO_2 Formed in a SiCl_4-N_2O System
- Atomistic Crystal Growth Process of Metal Oxide Electronics Materials : Theoretical Simulation Studies
- After Glow Enhancement of Xenon Pulsed Discharge as a Novel Light Source
- Development of New Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Program to Simulate Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Processes
- Development of New Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Program to Simulate Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Processes
- Design for a Variable Optical Beam Splitter Consisting of a Tapered Velocity Coupler on LiNbO_3
- Beyond the Physical Limit : Energy Saving Lighting and Illumination by Using Repetitive Intense and Fast Pulsed Light Sources and the Effect on Human Eyes
- Effective Illuminance Improvement of a Light Source by Using Pulse Modulation and Its Psychophysical Effect on the Human Eye