Department Of Earth Resources Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- Calculation of Modulus T of the Anomalous Magnetic Vector over Large Areas
- Selective Sorption of Co^ over Ni^ Using Biogenic Manganese Oxides
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of Sabalan Binary Geothermal Power Plant
- Spectroscopic study of precipitates formed during removal of selenium from mine drainage spiked with selenate using permeable reactive materials
- Hypertension due to Combination of Pheochromocytoma and Unilateral Renal Ischemia by Tumor Compression
- Nipradilol Displays a Unique Pharmacological Profile of Affinities for the Different α1-Adrenoceptor Subtypes
- Mass variation in outcome to high production activity in Kamojang Geothermal Field, Indonesia : A reservoir monitoring with relative and absolute gravimetry
- Petrological and Geochemical Characteristics of Intrusive Rocks Related to Porphyry Copper Mineralization and the Implications for the Genesis of Deposits in the Namosi area, Viti Levu, Republic of the Fiji Islands
- GISを用いた地熱地域探査データと数値シミュレーションの統合に関する研究
- Characteristics and Mineralization Age of the Fukusen No. 1 Vein, Hishikari Epithermal Gold Deposits, Southern Kyushu, Japan
- Ion Exchange Capacity of Sr^ onto Calcined Biological Hydroxyapatite and Implications for Use in Permeable Reactive Barriers
- Morphological and molecular phylogenetic characteristics of dwarf Sus specimens from the Noguni shell middens in the Ryukyu Islands
- 高密度重力探査による福岡市北東部の地下構造の推定
- インドネシア国北スラウェジのコタモバグ地熱地域の温泉水の起源
- Intramural pseudocyst of the duodenum caused by pancreatic head cancer : report of a case
- O-48 西南日本白亜紀花嵩岩類のアパタイトフィッショントラック熱履歴解析 : 第三系の最大埋没深度への制約(6. 中国地方の第三系-層序と古環境-,口頭発表,一般発表)
- Rare Earth Elements in Hydrothermally Altered Granitic Rocks in the Ranong and Takua Pa Tin-Field, Southern Thailand
- Field Trial with a Further Attenuated Live Measles Virus Vaccine