Department Of Earth And Planetary Sciences School Of Science Nagoya University | 論文
- A XAFS study on the mechanism of isotopic fractionation of molybdenum during its adsorption on ferromanganese oxides
- 962. 日本産後期白亜紀短尾類 (十脚甲殼目)
- Exposure of medical staff to Strongyloides stercolaris from a patient with disseminated strongyloidiasis
- 943. 万田層群産中期始新世十脚甲殼類
- 万田層群産中期始新世十脚甲殻類〔英文〕
- Crustal evolution history of Korean Peninsula in East Asia : The significance of Nd, Ce isotopic and REE data from the Korean Precambrian gneisses
- Orthoquartzitic sand from the Libyan desert, Egypt
- Reexamination of CHIME monazite ages for granite samples from Wugongshan and Huangshan, southeastern China
- Isotope geochemistry and petrology of the Mbeya carbonatite, south-western Tanzania, East Africa
- Metamorphic rocks of the North Pare Mountains, Tanzania
- Y-Ho fractionation and lanthanide tetrad effect observed in cherts
- Two Archean Sm-Nd ages of 3.2 and 2.5 Ga for the Marble Bar Chert, Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Block, Western Australia
- Effective application of ultrasonic nebulizer to ICP-AES analysis of REE, Y and Sc in geochemical samples
- In-pattern tetrad effect-like variation, so far overlooked, but obviously observed in REE abundances of REE minerals
- Constraint on the geochemical stage causing tetrad effect in kimuraite : Comparative studies on kimuraite and its related rocks, from REE pattern and Nd isotope ratio
- Fulgenates. A New Class of Fulgide-Related Thermally Irreversible Photochromic System
- Spectroscopic study on the anion exchange behavior of Cu chloro-complexes in HCl solutions and its implication to Cu isotopic fractionation
- A Variety of ^Nd/^Nd Ratios among Six High Purity Neodymium Oxide Reagents
- Application of Photochromic 5-Dimethylaminoindolylfulgide to Photon-Mode Erasable Optical Memory Media with Non-Destructive Readout Ability Based on Wavelength Dependence of Bleaching Quantum Yield