Department Of Community Health Science Saga Medical School | 論文
- Association of Serum Phytoestrogen Concentration and Dietary Habits in a Sample Set of the JACC Study
- Low-dose aspirin is a prominent cause of bleeding ulcers in patients who underwent emergency endoscopy
- FRS-094 Difference in the Cut-off Point of Extibated GFR as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Event between Elderly and Non-elderly People(Renal Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease(H),Featured Research Session,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japa
- Factors Influencing Participation Rate in a Baseline Survey of a Genetic Cohort in Japan
- Diabetes mellitus and kidney cancer risk : The results of Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk (JACC Study)
- Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer in a Japanese Population : Findings from the JACC Study
- Dietary Habits and Risk of Urothelial Cancer Incidence in the JACC Study
- 川崎病罹患患者における脈波伝搬速度(PWV)、足首関節/上腕血圧指数(ABI)の検討
- オプトエレクトロニクス材料へのレーザープロセシング
- 真空紫外-紫外多重波長励起アブレーション
- Active Smoking, Passive Smoking, and Breast Cancer Risk : Findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk
- The Relationships of Testosterone, Estradiol, Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate and Sex Hormone-binding Globulin to Lipid and Glucose Metabolism in Healthy Men
- Anthropometric and Other Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer in a Case-Control Study
- Incidence of Hypertension in Individuals with Abdominal Obesity in a Rural Japanese Population : The Tanno and Sobetsu Study
- PJ-778 Accumulation of risk Factors in Individuals with Abdominal Obesity in a Rural Japanese Population : The Tanno and Sobetsu Study(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome-13, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Antimitochondrial Antibody Negative Primary Biliary Cirrhosis in Japan : Utilization of Clinical Data When Patients Applied to Receive Public Financial Aid
- A Cross-Sectional Study of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis in Japan : Utilization of Clinical Data When Patients Applied to Receive Public Financial Aid
- Skeletal Muscle Phenotype, Fat Content and Voluntary Running Activity in the Fast-Twitch Fibre Dominant and Control Rats
- A case-control study of diet and prostate cancer in Japan : possible protective effect of traditional Japanese diet
- Enzymatic Deternilnation of Blood Lactate by Flow Injection Analysis