Department Of Chemistry University Of Waterloo | 論文
- 高温高圧下における鉄(III)-クロロ錯体塩酸水溶液のラマンスペクトル : バックグラウンド補正とバンドフィット法の適用
- P-100 In-tube SPME/LC/MS法による変異原性ヘテロサイクリックアミンの分析
- Automated in-tube solid-phase microextraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the determination of ranitidine
- Fast and sensitive method to determine chloroanisoles in cork using an internally cooled solid-phase microextraction fiber
- キャピラリー等電点電気泳動分析の全カラムイメージング検出法の開発
- Automation and optimization of liquid-phase microextraction by gas chromatography
- Time-weighted average water sampling with a diffusion-based solid-phase microextraction device
- The Oxidative Coupling of Methane on Iron Phosphate Catalysts
- Effect of salt concentration on separation patterns in static capillary isoelectric focusing with imaging detection
- Microextraction of drugs
- Protein analysis by isoelectric focusing in a capillary array with an absorption imaging detector
- Multidimensional on-line sample preparation of verapamil and its metabolites by a molecularly imprinted polymer coupled to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
- Automation of in-tip solid-phase microextraction in 96-well format for the determination of a model drug compound in human plasma by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection
- Determination of malondialdehyde in human plasma by fully automated solid phase analytical derivatization
- Headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of Eupatorium odoratum extract as an oviposition repellent
- Optimized conditons for hydrocarbon group type analysis of base oils by thin-layer chromatography-flame ionisation detection
- In-Tube SPME による効率的試料前処理法の開発と応用
- SPME/イオントラップGC-MSによるニトロアレーンの分析
- オンラインインチューブ固相マイクロ抽出/LC/MSシステムの開発
- インチューブ固相マイクロ抽出/液体クロマトグラフィー/マススペクトロメトリーによる薬物の自動分析