Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University | 論文
- Pseudoproteoglycan (pseudoPG) probes that simulate PG macromolecular structure for screening and isolation of PG-binding proteins
- Thallium-201 Scintigraphy Was Useful in Diagnosing Ectopic ACTH Syndrome Due to Bronchial Carcinoid
- Successive Phase Transitions in Crystalline State of Mesogenic Butyl 4-[2-(Perfluorooctyl)ethoxy]benzoate
- A Hybrid Data Base : Quantum Chemistry Literature Data Base II : New Concept and New Methodology
- B5 肝再生および肝炎症時のビトロネクチンの糖鎖による活性調節とマトリックス再形成
- 担子菌類ムジナタケレクチンの酸性複合糖質に対する多重結合特異性とその意義
- 169 職業性小麦粉喘息メジャーアレルゲンの同定
- α-アミラーゼと糖タンパク質糖鎖との相互作用の定量的解析
- アネキシンIとIIのレクチン活性
- アネキシンVIのグリコサミノグリカン結合ドメイン
- アネキシンIV活性における二価金属イオンの効果
- Aタイプレクチンp33/41(annexin IV)transfectantの性質
- Possible Prevalence and Transmission of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae among the Internally Displaced Persons in Tsunami Disaster Evacuation Camps of Sri Lanka
- Maternal and Neonatal Factors Associated with the High Yield of Mononuclear Low-Density/CD34^+ Cells from Placental/Umbilical Cord Blood
- Power Law for Extinction Process in Multiple Contact Process(Physics of elementary particles and fields)
- Pharmacological Studies of Alcohol Susceptibility and Brain Monoamine Function in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP) and Stroke-Resistant Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSR)
- Postnatal Blocking of Interferon-γ Function Prevented Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation in Apolipoprotein E-Knockout Mice
- Changes of Bone Mineral Density in Pregnant and Postpartum Women
- Radical Dissociation of 2,2'-Bis(2-aryl-3-benzothiophenonyl)s by Mechanical Energy
- Lack of Action Potential-Prolonging Effect of Terfenadine on Rabbit Myocardial Tissue Preparations(Pharmacology)