Department Of Chemistry And Bioscience Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University | 論文
- ステビアのグルコシルトランスフェラーゼによるステビオサイドからレバウディオサイドAへの変換
- Analysis of Feeding Mechanism in a Pitcher of Nepenthes hybrida
- 根粒菌の根粒形成遺伝子の構造と機能 (窒素固定の分子細胞生物学)
- 第8回国際窒素固定会議で見聞したものは
- 生物窒素固定研究における最近の成果-6-窒素固定の分子遺伝学-1-
- 生物窒素固定研究における最近の成果-7-窒素固定の分子遺伝学-2-
- 生物窒素固定研究における最近の成果-3-根粒菌とマメ科植物との共生機構-1-
- 薩南諸島における伝承的薬用及び毒性植物調査報告 そのII.奄美大島, 加計呂麻島, 請島, 与路島, 徳之島, 沖永良部島, 与論島, 喜界島
- 薩南諸島における伝承的薬用及び毒性植物調査報告 そのI.種子島, 屋久島, 口永良部島, トカラ列島
- Leiomyosarcoma arising from soft tissue tumor of the mediastinum
- Malignant mesothelioma of the pericardium : Case reports and immunohistochemical studies including Ki-67 expression
- Synovial sarcoma arising from the pleura : a case report with ultrastructural and immunohistological studies
- New Limonoids from Melia toosendan
- NUTRITION AND GROWTH OF SHALLOW WATER VESTIMENTIFERAN TUBEWORMS, LAMELLIBRACHIA SATSUMA(Behavior Biology and Ecology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Rhythmic and Light-Inducible Appearance of Clock-Associated Pseudo-Response Regulator Protein PRR9 Through Programmed Degradation in the Dark in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Genetic Linkages Between Circadian Clock-Associated Components and Phytochrome-Dependent Red Light Signal Transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Seneganolide, a Novel Antifeeding Mexicanolide from Khaya senegalensis
- New Xenia Diterpenoids from a Soft Coral, Xenia Species Containing Fatty Acyl Side Chains^
- Asymmetric Base-Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reaction of 3-Hydroxy-2-Pyrone with N-Methylmaleimide
- A Revised Structure of Chloranthalactone F and Chloranthalactone A Photodimer