Department Of Chemical Engineering Nagoya University | 論文
- Relaxation of Supercooling of Erythritol for Latent Heat Storage
- 排水中の難分解性物質処理に適したエアリフト式超音波反応器の開発
- A Parallel Method for the Prefix Convex Hulls Problem
- Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Ascorbic Acid, Dopamine and Uric Acid Using Polybromothymol Blue Film-Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
- A Polymer Film Modified Sensor for Voltammetric Determination of Uric Acid in the Presence of Ascorbic Acid and Its Application in Urine
- Flowability Measurement of Coarse Particles Using Vibrating Tube Method
- Effect of Molecular Weight and Degree of Substitution on the Shear Modulus of Methyl Cellulose Gel by Means of Surface Wave Method (Short Note)
- Characteristics of a Heat Output of an Adsorption Heat Pump Aided with Pumping
- Characteristics of Pressure Fluctuations in a Fluidized Bed of Binary Mixtures
- Investigation on the Drying Kinetics in a Pulsed Fluidized Bed
- Optimal Design of a Fin-type Silica Gel Tube Module in the Silica Gel/Water Adsorption Heat Pump
- Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of an Active Carbon/Ammonia Adsorption Heat Pump with a Packed Bed Type Adsorber
- Performance of Flammability and NO_X Emission in Premixed Oil Burner Using Ultrasonic Atomization
- Performance of 2kW Adsorption Heat Pump for Producing Cold Heat Energy
- Feasibility Study of Producing High Level Cold Heat Energy by a Carbon/Ammonia Adsorption Heat Pump
- Hydrophilication of Activated Carbon by Impregnating Silica into Pores
- Intraparticle Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Water Vapor Adsorption
- Reaction Characteristics of BaO/BaCO_3 System for High Temperature Chemical Heat Pump above 1273 K
- Study of Decarbonation of CaCO_3 for High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage