Department Of Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- Transglutaminase-Mediated Gelatin Matrices Incorporating Cell Adhesion Factors as a Biomaterial for Tissue Engineering
- Radiation-Inducible TNF-α Gene Expression under Stress-Inducible Promoter gadd 153 for Cancer Therapy
- Bystander-Killing Effect and Cyclic Induction of TNF-α Gene under Heat-Inducible Promoter gadd 153
- Construction of Heterotypic Cell Sheets by Magnetic Force-Based 3-D Coculture of HepG2 and NIH3T3 Cells(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Magnetic Force-Based Cell Patterning Using Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) Peptide-Conjugated Magnetite Cationic Liposomes(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- 白金担持MFI型フェリシリケート触媒を用いたブタンの脱水素異性化反応によるイソブテンの合成
- γ-アルミナ担持酸化ガリウム触媒上でのイソブタンおよびブタン転化機構の差異
- 2段充填触媒を用いたブタンからブテン類を経由した脱水素異性化反応によるイソブテンの合成
- イソペンタンの気相均一酸化反応による各種含酸素化合物の生成経路
- γ-アルミナ担持金属および金属酸化物触媒を用いたメタン共存下でのクロロペンタフルオロエタン (CFC-115) の燃焼分解
- マイクロエマルションを利用した担持金属触媒の新規調製法-1nmサイズのRh粒子径制御とCO水素化反応特性-
- マイクロエマルションを利用するRh/SiO_2触媒のRh粒子径制御 -界面活性剤の影響-
- 液相超微粒子の固定化による担持金属触媒の新規調製法
- マイクロエマルションを用いた担持貴金属触媒の粒子径制御と水素化反応特性
- Development of a hybrid artificial liver support system and preclinical animal experiments
- Quantification of Retinal Nerve Fiber Defects in Glaucoma : Three-Dimensional Analysis by Heidelberg Retina Tomograph
- Stress Intensity Factor Analysis of Interface Crack using Boundary Element Method : Application of Virtual Crack Extension Method
- BM-P11 Genetically modified angiogenic cell sheets fabricated by magnetic force-based tissue engineering techniques(Section III Biomedical Engineering)
- AN-P30 Accumulative gene integration technique using recombinase mediate cassette exchange(Section I Animal and Plant Cell Cultures)
- AN-P27 Site-specific genetic modification of target cells using an integrase-defective retroviral vector and cre-mediated cassette exchange(Section I Animal and Plant Cell Cultures)