Department Of Biotechnology School Of Engineering Nagoya University | 論文
- ファジィニューラルネットワーク(FNN)による吟醸酒発酵制御用ルールの自動抽出
- Discovery of novel rules for G-quadruplex-forming sequences in plants by using bioinformatics methods
- Screening of an α-Amylase Inhibitor Peptide by Photolinker-Peptide Array
- Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Perfusion Culture System for Magnetic Force-Based Skeletal Muscle Tissue Engineering
- Retroviral Gene Transduction into Chicken Embryo Gonads through Blood Circulation
- ファジィニュ-ラルネットワ-クを用いた活性汚泥プロセスのシミュレ-ション (特集 化工シミュレ-ションの効用)
- S91 ファジィニューラルネットワークを用いた吟醸酒もろみ制御
- Discovery of novel rules for G-quadruplex-forming sequences in plants by using bioinformatics methods(BIOINFORMATICS)
- 吟醸酒の官能評価モデル (特集 醗酵--味覚の追求(1))
- 感性工学的手法を用いた食品に対する嗜好の定量化
- Improvement of Photocatalytic Efficiency of TiO2 Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition
- 4Fp19 5'非翻訳領域にコードされた種間保存性の高いペプチドの網羅的探索法の開発(生体情報工学,バイオインフォマティックス/システムバイオロジー/遺伝子工学,一般講演)
- Analysis of Ball Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor Response to Wide Variety of Gases Using Gas Chromatography
- Development of Microseparation Column for Ball Surface Acoustic Wave Gas Chromatograph
- 221 吟醸酒の品質と制御
- 吟醸酒のモデリング
- Classification Method for Predicting the Development of Myocardial Infarction by Using the Interaction between Genetic and Environmental Factors
- Crystal structures of (1,5-cyclooctadiene)di-.MU.-methoxo-dirhodium(I) and tetrakis(.ETA.3-allyl)di-.MU.-hydroxo-dirhodium(III).
- Classification Method for Predicting the Development of Myocardial Infarction by Using the Interaction between Genetic and Environmental Factors
- The crystal structure of a conformational isomer of teucrin P1 from Teucrium gnaphalodes.