Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science | 論文
- REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY OF THE CENTROSOME IN STARFISH IMMATURE OOCYTES(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Effects of Gossypitrin on theDevelopment of Sea Urchin Eggs
- Localized Plasmolysis in Fucus Eggs as aNew Pattern of Group Effect
- RELOCATION OF GERMINAL VESICLE AND CENTROSOME-DEPENDENT MICROTUBULES ON MEIOSIS REINITIATION IN SEA CUCUMBER OOCYTES(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Determination of the Secondary Polarity inEquisetum Sporelings
- Mechanism of Egg Liberation in Coccophora
- A Theory on the Role of Polarity in Cytodifferentiation
- Ecological Studies on Moisture Content of Seeds
- Distribution of Lake-balls Considered from Experiments
- Polarity Disturbance in Regenerationof Bryopsis by Colchicine
- Study of the Reactions of O^- with CF_4 and CHF_3 by Ab Initio Calculations
- Duration of Light Effect on Seeds in Plantagoasiatica L.
- Activation at the germinal vesicle stage of starfish oocytes produces parthenogenetic development through the failure of polar body extrusion
- Effects of 1,N^6-ethenoadenylates on the regulation of photosynthetic activities by adenylates; A study of the nucleotide binding sites on chloroplast coupling factor 1
- Close evolutionary relatedness of archaebacteria with eukaryotes.
- Effects of Light on Seed Germinationin Plantago asiatica L.