Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kyushu University | 論文
- Cloning and expression of two human recombinant monoclonal Fab fragments specific for EBV viral capsid antigen
- Biochemical Characterization of Plasma Membrane H^+-ATPase Activation in Guard Cell Protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana in Response to Blue Light
- Forced Exercise-Induced Flushing of Tail Skin in Ovariectomized Mice, as a New Experimental Model of Menopausal Hot Flushes
- Amelioration of experimental arthritis by a calpain-inhibitory compound : regulation of cytokine production by E-64-d in vivo and in vitro
- PE-156 Acute Response of Regional Early Diastolic Function with Cardiac Resynchronizaiton Therapy Predicts Chronic Response of Global Left Ventricular Systolic Function(PE026,Cardiac Function (Clinical) 1 (M),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scien
- OE-351 Myocardial Systolic Function in the Region of Left Ventricular Pacing Lead Predicts the Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy(Heart failure, clinical(04)(M),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circu
- 109 四国山地における在来トウモロコシ品種の遺伝的系統解析(遺伝子,日本作物学会第225回講演会)
- 四国の在来トウモロコシの起源について(四国地域における作物資源とその利用,日本作物学会四国支部会・日本育種学会四国談話会公開シンポジウム要旨)
- 四国山地に遺存するトウモロコシ地域品種の収集
- Genetic Variation of Local Varieties of Soybean in the Western Part of the Shikoku Mountains in Japan
- 松枯れ後に成立した二次林を構成する低木・亜高木種の萌芽特性
- ヒノキの成長促進によってニホンキバチの産卵は抑制されるか?
- マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復の試み
- Comparative study of AFLP and microsatellite variation in four Dipterocarp species from natural and artificial populations in Sarawak, Malaysia
- Construction of a gene-data bank of tropical rainforest tree species in Sarawak, Malaysia
- Phylogeny and genetic variation of Fagaceae in tropical montane forests
- Electropolymerization of Bithienyl-appended Cerium(III) Triple Decker Porphyrin Complex
- Nutritional Status of Lactating Mothers and Their Breast Milk Concentration of Iron, Zinc and Copper in Rural Vietnam
- Development and Validation of Food Frequency Questionnaire to Assess Calcium Intake in Postmenopausal Vietnamese Women
- Increased Nerve Growth Factor by Zinc Supplementation with Concurrent Vitamin A Deficiency Does Not Improve Memory Performance in Mice