Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Hirosaki University | 論文
- ヒナバッタ属2種とヒロバネヒナバッタ属1種の比較核型分析
- Comparative gene mapping and chromosomal painting between the Chinese hamster and the mouse
- Notes on the validity of Mogera montana Kishida, 1932, for a mountain mole from Taiwan
- The historical notes and taxonomic problems of East Asian moles, Euroscaptor, Parascaptor and Scaptochirus, of continental Asia (Insectivora, Talpidae)
- French-window thoracotomy : postoperative pain avoidance for short-stay lung cancer surgery
- Effects of Nutritional Levels of Phosphate on Photosynthesis and Growth Studied with Single, Rooted Leaf of Dwarf Bean
- The influence of posture on the estimation of daily salt intake by the second morning urine method
- Effectiveness of a Spot Urine Method in Evaluating Daily Salt Intake in Hypertensive Patients Taking Oral Antihypertensive Drugs
- Evidence for Decrease in Vanadate-Sensitive Mg^ -ATPase Activity of Higher Plant Membrane Preparations in Sucrose Solution : MEMBRANES AND BIOENERGETICS
- Photosynthetic Electron Transport and Carbon Metabolism during Altered Source/Sink Balance in Single-Rooted Soybean Leaves
- Effects of skeletal loading on bone mass and compensation mechanism in bone : a new insight into the "mechanostat" theory
- イタチ属食肉類2種(ホンドオコジョMustela erminea nippon又びニホンイイズナM.nivalia namiyei)の核学的関係(短報)〔英文〕
- 核型からみた翼手類の系統進化 (脊椎動物の核型進化と種の分化)
- C-band Variation in the Chromosomes of the Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel, Petaurista leucogenys
- A Small Cell Lung Cancer With Cancer-associated Retinopathy : Detection of the Primary Site in the Lung 15 Months After Resection of Metastatic Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy
- The Effects of CO_2 on the Photosynthetic Fixation of CO_2 and the Activity of Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase in Single-Rooted Soybean Leaves under Sink-Limited Conditions
- Karyotypes and Ag-NOR Variations in Japanese Vespertilionid Bats (Mammalia : Chiroptera)
- A Programming Language and its Implementation for a Mini-computer
- Dry matter production, population structure and environmental conditions of the spring ephemeral Erythronium japonicum growing in various habitats differing in sunlight exposure in cool temperate Japan