Department Of Astronomy Faculty Of Science Kyoto University | 論文
- The Core Radius of a Star Cluster Containing a Massive Black Hole
- Binary Black Hole Accretion Flows in Merged Galactic Nuclei
- Do Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources Really Contain Intermediate-Mass Black Holes?
- Where is a Marginally Stable Last Circular Orbit in Super-Critical Accretion Flow?
- Theoretical Models of Multi-Waveband QSO Luminosity Functions
- X-Ray Microlensing of Bright Quasars
- Slim-Disk model for Soft X-Ray Excess and Variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
- Gravitational Microlens Mapping of a Quasar Accretion Disk
- Disk Instability-Induced Hard-Soft Transition in Soft X-Ray Transients
- Subaru Deep Survey I. Near-Infrared Observations
- High-Power Laser Beam Transfer through Optical Relay Fibers for a Laser Guide Adaptive Optics System
- Photonic crystal fiber for the high power sodium D_2 line laser
- Panoramic Views of Cluster-Scale Assemblies Explored by Subaru Wide-Field Imaging
- Dusty ERO Search behind Two Massive Clusters
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation
- Anti-Correlation of Near-Infrared and X-Ray Variations of the Microquasar GRS 1915+105 in the Soft State
- Detection of Polarimetric Variations Associated with the Shortest Time-Scale Variability in S5 0716+714
- The 2006 November Outburst of EG Aquarii : the SU UMa Nature Revealed
- Mapping the Dust Column Density in Dark Clouds by Using NIR Scattered Light : Case of the Lupus 3 Dark Cloud
- Discovery of a WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, SDSS J102146.44+234926.3 : Unprecedented Infrared Activity during a Rebrightening Phase