Department Of Applied Chemistry Nagoya Insitute Of Technology | 論文
- Utility of Phenylacetic Acid as an Extracting Agent for Aluminum(III), Gallium(III) and Indium(III)
- コバルト錯体担持固相の酸化還元による陰イオンの吸脱着制御
- X-ray crystal structures of nickel complexes with 2-methyl-8-quinolinol, Ni(mq)2(H2O)2 and Na3Ni3H6(mq)15H2O.
- Precise evaluation of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy using the visual analogue scale : a quantitative and comparative analysis of neuropathy occurring with paclitaxel-carboplatin and docetaxel-carboplatin therapy
- Distillation calculation by use of conjugated gradient method.
- Heat transfer in jet mixing vessel with rotating nozzle around the vessel axis.
- Equilibrium and structural studies on the species formed in the extraction of divalent transition metal ions with 8-quinolinol.
- Mixed ligand complexes of trivalent metal ions with an amine-N-polycarboxylate and fluoride.
- Jet mixing of liquids in a rotating cylindrical vessel.
- Jet mixing of liquids with a rotating nozzle around the axis of a cylindrical vessel.
- Generalized relation between liquid pressure and solid compressive pressure in non-unidimensional filter cakes.
- Concentration dependence of diffusivity for the styrene-polystyrene and ethylbenzene-polystyrene systems.
- Combined free and forced laminar convection in thermal entrance region of horizontal triangular ducts.
- The effect of variable viscosity on laminar flow and heat transfer in rectangular ducts.
- Distillation calculation by multistage relaxation methods.
- Development of jet mixer with rotating and up-and-down moving nozzles.
- Vaporization of non-ideal binary mixture from liquid surface under vacuum.
- Mutual diffusivity of volatile materials in molten polystyrene.
- Theoretical analysis of turbulent flow and heat transfer around a surface-mounted obstacle.