Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. | 論文
- Characterization of sp^2- and sp^3-bonded carbon in wood charcoal
- Surface Characterization of Wood Charcoal under Different Carbonization Conditions
- Diamond and pore structure observed in wood charcoal
- Formation of the nano carbon structure of wood charcoal during the carbonization process (日本電子顕微鏡学会第46回シンポジウム 材料のナノ・生物のナノ) -- (ポスターセッション "7th International Symposium on Advanced physical Fields(APF-7)"との合同セッション)
- Calculation of impulse responses and acoustic parameters in a hall by the finite-difference time-domain method
- Experimental and numerical studies on reverberation characteristics in a rectangular room with unevenly distributed absorbers(introduction to the amazing world of sounds with demonstrations)
- Reverberation characteristics in a room with unevenly-distributed absorbers : Scale modeling study
- Reverberation characteristics in a room with unevenly-distributed absorbers : Numerical analysis