- Explicit formula of the traces of Hecke operators for Γ0(N)
- Positive Riesz distributions on homogeneous cones
- Representation Varieties and Character Varieties
- Root Systems and Periods on Hirzebruch Surfaces
- Eigenvalue Asymptotics for the Maass Hamiltonian with Decreasing Electric Potentials
- The closure ordering of adjoint nilpotent orbits in so(p,q)
- Hecke Functors and the Equivariant Dold-Thom Theorem : Dedicated to Professor Minoru Nakaoka on his 60-th birthday
- The birational action of 〓 on P^2(C) and the icosahedron
- Configurations of seven lines on the real projective plane and the root system of type E_7
- Log smooth deformation theory
- Higher-Order Approximate Solutions of Neumann Problems by Isoparametric Finite Element Method with Relevant Lumping Operator
- A remark on Schubert cells and the duality of orbits on flag manifolds
- The adjoint action of a Lie group on the space of loops
- Low Rank Cohomology of the Classifying Spaces of Gauge Groups over 3-manifolds
- Signature defects and eta functions of degenerations of abelian varieties
- On the nilpotency of rational H-spaces
- On the decomposition of lattices over orders
- On the explicit models of Shimuras elliptic curves
- Graph-based topological approximation of saddle-node bifurcation in maps : Dedicated to Professor Yasumasa Nishiura for his sixtieth birthday (Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics)
- Simple Six-Line Arrangements on a Projective Plane over a Prime Field