Crest Japan Science And Technology Corporation | 論文
- Temperature-Dependent Soft X-ray Photoemission and Absorption Studies of Charge Disproportionation in La_Sr_xFeO_3(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Structure Analysis of Photo-induced Triplet Phenylnitrene Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Mutation Analysis of the Fanconi Anemia Gene FAA in Japanese patients
- Mutation Analysis of the Fanconi Anemia Genes in Japanese Patients
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Hetero-Interface between Manganese Pnictide and Mn-Zn Ferrite
- Epitaxial Growth of InAs on Single-Crystalline Mn-Zn Ferrite Substrates
- High-Temperature Mechanical Property Improvements of SiC Ceramics by NITE Process
- Evaluation of Fiber/Matrix Interfacial Strength of Neutron Irradiated SiC/SiC Composites Using Hysteresis Loop Analysis of Tensile Test
- Synergistic Effects of Heavy Ion and Helium Irradiation on Microstructural and Dimensional Change in β-SiC
- Mechanical Properties of Chemically Vapor-Infiltrated Silicon Carbide Structural Composites with Thin Carbon Interphases for Fusion and Advanced Fission Applications
- Hi-Nicalon^ Fiber-Reinforced CVI-SiC Matrix Composites : I Effects of PyC and PyC-SiC Multilayers on the Fracture Behaviors and Flexural Properties
- Effect of Fiber Properties on Neutron Irradiated SiC/SiC Composites
- Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics Approach to Design of MgO Protecting Layer in Plasma Display
- Theoretical Design of MgO Protecting Layer in Plasma Display by New Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulator
- Hot Corrosion, Oxidation and Their Effects on the Tensile Strength of SiC Fiber in Alkaline Melts
- Photochemical Approach to Analysis of Ferroelectric Transition in Ba_xSr_TiO_3 Epitaxial Films
- Photochemical Identification of a Possible Adsorbed Pentacene Molecule on the SrTiO_3(001)
- Preparation of Atomically Smooth TiO_2 Single Crystal Surfaces and Their Photochemical Property
- Molecular Alignments Studied by X-Ray Diffraction Analysis and Optical Properties of Vacuum-Deposited Thin Films of Thiophene-Pyridine Co-Oligomers
- The First Observation of ^1H-NMR Spectrum of Pentacene