Cresst And X-ray Astrophysics Laboratory Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center | 論文
- The MAXI Mission on the ISS : Science and Instruments for Monitoring All-Sky X-Ray Images
- Suzaku Observations of Abell 1795 : Cluster Emission to r_
- Super-Hard X-Ray Emission from η Carinae Observed with Suzaku
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometric Observation during the Superoutburst of the WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, V455 Andromedae
- New CTI Correction Method for Spaced-Row Charge Injection of the Suzaku X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer
- Energy-Scale Calibration of the Suzaku X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer Using the Checker Flag Charge-Injection Technique in Orbit
- Reproducibility of Non-X-Ray Background for the X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer aboard Suzaku
- The Atacama Compact Array (ACA)
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation
- Anti-Correlation of Near-Infrared and X-Ray Variations of the Microquasar GRS 1915+105 in the Soft State
- The 2006 November Outburst of EG Aquarii : the SU UMa Nature Revealed
- Discovery of a WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, SDSS J102146.44+234926.3 : Unprecedented Infrared Activity during a Rebrightening Phase
- Performance of the Charge-Injection Capability of Suzaku XIS
- Orbital Calibration of the XIS(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku wide-band observations of SN 1006
- The 7-Steps of the Data Analysis(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- The Long Suzaku Observation of MCG-6-30-15(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku Observations of the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 2052
- Suzaku Observations of SS Cygni in Quiescence and Outburst
- Multiband Photopolarimetric Monitoring of an Outburst of the Blazar 3C 454.3 in 2007