College of Information and Science, Ristumeikan University | 論文
- 3D Image Registration and Its Application to Open-MR Scanner Based Liver Cancer Surgery
- A Wavelet-based Multiresolution Medical Image Registration Strategy Combining Mutual Information with Spatial Information
- Robust Edge Detection by Independent Component Analysis in Noisy Images(Image Processing and Video Processing)
- Joint Blind Super-Resolution and Shadow Removing(Image Processing and Video Processing)
- D-16-10 Construction of Statistical Appearance Models from Fewer Samples by Generalized N-dimensional PCA
- Detection of the small bowel motility with cine-MRI sequence (医用画像)
- A semi-automated detection for motility of small bowel with MRI sequence (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- A semi-automated detection for motility of small bowel with MRI sequence (画像工学)
- A semi-automated detection for motility of small bowel with MRI sequence (医用画像)
- 3D Non-rigid Medical Volume Registration using Landmark Based Initialization for Locoregional Therapy of Liver