College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University | 論文
- ^Ar/^Ar ages of the high-P/T metamorphic rocks of the Heilongjiang Complex in the Jiamusi Massif, northeastern China
- Newly discovered garnet-barroisite schists from the Heilongjiang Complex in the Jiamusi Massif, northeastern China
- CHIME monazite ages of metasediments from the Altai orogen in northwestern China : Devonian and Permian ages of metamorphism and their significance
- ^Ar/^Ar ages of blueschist facies pelitic schists from Qingshuigou in the Northern Qilian Mountains, western China
- Zircon U-Pb ages and tectonic implications of 'Early Paleozoic' granitoids at Yanbian, Jilin Province, northeast China
- U-Pb and ^Ar/^Ar age constrains on protolith and high-P/T type metamorphism of the Heilongjiang Complex in the Jiamusi Massif, NE China