College Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University | 論文
- Global Selection vs Local Ordering of Color SIFT Independent Components for Object/Scene Classification
- D-12-22 Visual Impression Estimation of Clothing Fabric Images Using Machine Learning Methods
- View-Based Object Recognition Using ND Tensor Supervised Neighborhood Embedding
- Real-time isosurface rendering of smooth fields
- Multi-Linear Subspace Learning Methods for Statistical Texture Atlases of the Liver
- Phase Synchronization in Phase Oscillators and a Complex-Valued Neural Network and Its Applications to Traffic Flow Control
- Directing All Learners to Course Goal with Enforcement of Discipline Utilizing Persona Motivation
- Network Topology and Battery Size Exploration for Decentralized Energy Network with MIP Base Power Flow Optimization
- Derivation of Learning Style Effectiveness from Portfolio in Programming Education
- Multiple-nulls-steering beamformer based on both talker and noise direction-of-arrival estimation
- Presuming Learner Personas from Portfolios with Non-negative Matrix Factorization
- Non-negative Matrix Factorization to Identify Motivation and Learning Strategies from Portfolio