College Of Information Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University | 論文
- Use of ontologies for bridging the semantic gap in distant communication (人工知能と知識処理)
- A supervised LPP and neural network based scene classification with color histogram and camera metadata (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- A supervised LPP and neural network based scene classification with color histogram and camera metadata (コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア)
- Facial pose image synthesis with a single image using tensor subspace approximation method (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Facial pose image synthesis with a single image using tensor subspace approximation method (画像工学)
- Facial pose image synthesis with a single image using tensor subspace approximation method (医用画像)
- A novel automatic liver surface registration method using spherical harmonics (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- A novel automatic liver surface registration method using spherical harmonics (画像工学)
- A novel automatic liver surface registration method using spherical harmonics (医用画像)
- Multi-angle view, illumination and cosmetic facial image database (MaVIC) and quantitative analysis of facial appearance (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Multi-angle view, illumination and cosmetic facial image database (MaVIC) and quantitative analysis of facial appearance (データ工学)
- Multi-class object recognition by fusion of image descriptors: classification evaluation of PASCAL VOC Challenge database (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- D-12-36 A Spatial Weighted Edge Autocorrelogram for Image Annotation
- An adaptive color SIFT descriptor based on independent component analysis for image classification (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- D-7-17 Statistical Volume Modeling of Liver
- Phase Synchronization in Phase Oscillators and a Complex-Valued Neural Network and Its Applications to Traffic Flow Control(Oscillation, Chaos and Network Dynamics in Nonlinear Science)
- Segmentation of liver in low-contrast images using K-means clustering and a priori knowledge (パターン認識・メディア理解)
- Segmentation of liver in low-contrast images using K-means clustering and a priori knowledge (画像工学)
- Segmentation of liver in low-contrast images using K-means clustering and a priori knowledge (医用画像)
- D-16-2 ICA Based Ring Artifacts Reduction in Cone-Beam CT Images