Clinical Research Center, National Center for Child Health and Development | 論文
- ターナー症候群の新しい参照成長曲線(パーセンタイル曲線)の作成
- Pharmacokinetics and Metabolic Effects of High-Dose Growth Hormone Administration in Healthy Adult Men
- Seven Cases of Diabetes Mellitus in Turner Syndrome
- Lipohypertrophy in a Patient with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency Type IA (IGHD IA) Treated with IGF-I
- Latent Adrenal Insufficiency in Two Patients with Childhood-Onset Pitutary Hormone Deficiency
- Standardization of Blood Growth Hormone Levels Measured by Different Kits Using a Linear Structural Relationship
- Registration System for Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment with Standardized Immunoreactive GH Values in Japan
- Trends in Age and Anthropometric Data at Start of Growth Hormone Treatment for Girls with Turner Syndrome in Japan
- Novel Missense Mutation in the P-Box of Androgen Receptor in a Patient with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
- Prediction of Pubertal Growth at Start of Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Turner Syndrome
- Nonclassic Steroid 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency due to a Homozygous V281L Mutation in CYP21A2 Detected by the Neonatal Mass-Screening Program in Japan
- Replacement of Alanine with Asparagic Acid at Position 203 in Human Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein Impairs the Ability to Enhance Steroidogenesis in vitro
- Clinical Characteristics, Etiologies and Pathophysiology of Patients with Severe Short Stature with Severe GH Deficiency : Questionnaire Study on the Data Registered with the Foundation for Growth Science, Japan
- No Improvement of Adult Height in Non-growth Hormone (GH) Deficient Short Children with GH Treatment
- Studies of Very Severe Short Stature with Severe GH Deficiency : From the Data Registered with the Foundation for Growth Science
- The Comparison of the Effects of Short-Term Growth Hormone Treatment in Patients with Achondroplasia and with Hypochondroplasia
- A Case of Female Pseudohermaphroditism Caused by Aromatase Deficiency
- Viriizing Adrenocortical Carcinoma Invading the Right Atrium with Histological High-Grade Malignancy and p53 Mutation in a 3-Year-Old Child : Indication of Post Operative Adjuvant Chemotherapy
- The Usefulness of GnRH and hCG Testing for the DifferentiaI Diagnosis of Delayed Puberty and Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in Prepubertal Boys
- Disorders of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Caused by Overdosed Anti-Allergic Drug : A Case Report