Chung-ang University | 論文
- Effects of Coriolis Force on the Turbulent Boundary Layer with Pressure Gradients
- The Grotesques of Oval Defects on the MBE-Grown GaAs Layers
- Perception of parent-child trust and distrust in Korea : Indigenous analysis of Korean high school students and parents
- Psychological and behavioral characteristics of Korean adolescents and adults: With specific focus on the indigenous analysis of parent-child relationship (〔日本教育心理学会第44回総会〕) -- (準備委員会企画講演)
- Korean artistic aesthetics and characteristics through traditional dyeing
- Hot Issues on IFRS Adoption and Implementation in Korea
- Models of Industrial Development in East Asian Economies:Uniqueness and Mutual Emulation
- Newly Emerging Economic Integration in Northeast Asia:Challenges and Prospects