Center For Climate System Research The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- GSMaP Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm : Algorithm Description and Validation(2. Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) Project,Precipitation Measurements from Space)
- Feasibility of Raindrop Size Distribution Parameter Estimation with TRMM Precipitation Radar(1. Precipitation Radar (PR),Precipitation Measurements from Space)
- Statistical Analysis of Oceanic Rainfall Characteristics in the Baiu Season Utilizing TRMM PR Data(4. Analysis Studies,Precipitation Measurements from Space)
- Reevaluation of Historical Ocean Heat Content Variations with Time-Varying XBT and MBT Depth Bias Corrections
- Multi-model Projection of Global Warming Impact on Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency over the Western North Pacific(Evaluations of CMIP3 Model Performance for Various Atmospheric and Oceanic Phenomena, Part I)
- B107 GOSAT TANSO-CAIのL1データとL2大気プロダクト(スペシャル・セッション「温室効果ガス観測技術衛星GOSAT「いぶき」の利用研究」)
- ADEOS-II搭載GLI雲エアロゾル特性解析のアルゴリズム開発
- SKYNET観測に基づくエアロゾル及び雲の検証システムの構築とADEOS-II/GLIデータを用いた放射収支の推定
- ADEOS-II/GLIプロジェクトの概要とハイライト
- P397 GLIエアロゾル陸域プロダクトの地上観測との比較
- A310 GMS-5/VISSRデータ再解析 : 放射収支の推定(スペシャルセッション「静止衛星観測I:気象衛星ひまわりの30年」)
- A309 GMS-5/VISSRデータ再解析 : エアロゾル光学特性の推定(スペシャルセッション「静止衛星観測I:気象衛星ひまわりの30年」)
- A308 GMS-5/VISSRデータ再解析 : 再校正技術の開発(スペシャルセッション「静止衛星観測I:気象衛星ひまわりの30年」)
- An Evaluation of the Reproducibility of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the CMIP3 Multi-Models
- B211 人工衛星搭載多波長型イメジャーを利用したエアロゾル・リモートセンシング手法の開発(物質循環II)
- C160 GOSAT/CAIをもちいたエアロゾルプロダクトの導出(スペシャル・セッション「温室効果ガス観測技術衛星GOSAT「いぶき」の利用研究」,口頭発表)
- Equatorial Circumnavigation of Moisture Signal Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during Boreal Winter
- A Diagnostic Study on Interactions Between Atmospheric Thermodynamic Structure and Cumulus Convection over the Tropical Western Pacific Ocean and over the Indochina Peninsula(CPEA-Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere)
- Interannual-Interdecadal Variation in Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Extremely Wet and Dry Summers in China/Japan during 1951-2000 Part II : Dominant Timescales
- Interannual-Interdecadal Variation in Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Extremely Wet and Dry Summers in China/Japan during 1951-2000 Part I : Spatial Patterns