- A Spectrophotometer for Determining Optical Constants in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Region
- Measurements of Beam-Foil Spectra of Highly Ionized Chlorine Ions in the Region of 170-260 A^^○
- Projectile Dependence of KL^l Vacancy Production Cross Sections of Al by H and He Ion Bombardments
- Single and Double K-Shell Ionization Cross Sections of Beryllium by C,N,O and Ne Ion Bombardments
- Stopping Cross-Sections of Rare Gases in Amorphous Silicon for MeV Energy Helium Ions
- The Measurements of the Reflectivity Spectrum near the L_ Edge of p-Type Silicon at Room Temperature
- Absolute Photon-Flux and Angular Distribution of the Tokyo Synchrotron Radiation in the Vacuum Ultraviolet
- Plasma Oscillations Excited by a Fast Electron in a Metallic Particle
- Calculation of s Shadow Cone Formed by Scattering of an Ion Beam from an Atom
- Local Gaussian Approximation in the Generator Coordinate Method
- Collective Hamiltonian in the Generator Coordinate Method with Local Gaussian Approximation
- An Application of the Thomas-Fermi Method to Complex Ions
- Rotation Aligned Coupling in the Angular Momentum Projection Method
- On the Vibrational Properties of High-Elastic Gels
- An Interpretation of Signature Inversion : Nuclear Physics
- Some Observations in Energy Loss Spectrum of Silver
- Surface Plasma Oscillation in Aluminum Fine Particles
- Instability of the Cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Field in Backbending Region
- A Constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equation Derived From the Double Variational Method
- Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Shallow Acceptors in Strained Silicon