- Effects of Vertical Vibration on the Physiological Responses of Human Body
- Alternative Agro-food Movement in Contemporary Japan
- Prognosis of Hypercholesterolemic Patients Taking Pravastatin for Five Years : The Chiba Lipid Intervention Program(CLIP) Study
- CHARACTERIZATION OF `MIDBAND' LIPOPROTEINS AS A RISK FACTOR OF ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE : Arteriosclerosis : 53 Annual Scientific Meeting, Japanese Circulation Society
- S-R コンパティビリティ効果と空間コード化仮説(C.口頭発表,VII.第9回大会発表要旨)
- 刺激の位置と運動反応の方向の間のコンパティビリティー効果(部門D,VII.第8回大会発表要旨)
- 228 ベーシックデザイン教育用課題の制作による理数系科目を学ぶことへの目的意識の変容(教育〔II〕)
- D05 色の見かけ上の重さ : 無彩色を対象とした定量化の試み(感性工学, 平成17年度日本デザイン学会第52回研究発表大会)
- 色彩の見かけ上の重さ
- Significance of a Polymorphism(G->A transition) in the-75 Position of the Apolipoprotein A-1 Gene Promoter on Serum High Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Levels in Japanese Hyperlipidemic Subjects
- 121 Model-based Attitude and Hovering Control of Small Unmanned Helicopter
- PJ-924 Usefulness of PET for Screening Reduced Myocardial Perfusion due to Coronary Atherosclerosis in Asymptomatic Men(Nuclear cardiology(11)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Effects of Inhalation of Essential Oils on EEG Activity and Sensory Evaluation
- Estimation of Thermal Sensation during Varied Air Temperature Conditions
- An Ergonomic Evaluation of Cooking Range Switch
- Evaluation of the Motion of Standing Up from Different Kinds of Sittting Postures
- The effects of type and difficulty of mental task on psyco-physiological responses
- The effects of the fluctuations in air velocity and temperature on human comfort and physiological functions
- Effects of Cooling Portions of the Head on Human Thermoregulatory Response
- Effects of Timed Bright Light Exposure on the Arousal Level during Simulated Nightwork