Biological Institute Faculty Of Science Shizuoka University | 論文
- Flowering response of Pharbitis nil seedlings in water culture : The relation between medium dilution and timing mechanism
- A Treatise on Influences of Acute X- or Gamma-irradiation in the Flower Initiation of Pharbitis Seedlings
- Studies on the Initiation and Development of Flower Primordia of Pharbitis nil, with Special Reference to the Time of Arrival of Flowering Stimulus at Plumule
- Progesterone-binding Component in Cytosol Fraction from Mature Female Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) Oviduct
- The Hypothalamo-hypophysial Neurosecretory System of the Lizard, Takydromus tachydromoides
- Effect of Adenohypophysectomy on the Fine Structure of the Posterior Median Eminence of the Pigeon, Columba livia domestica
- Fine Structure of the Pars Tuberalis of the Pigeon, Columba livia domestica
- An Electron Microscope Study of Ependymal Cells of the Pigeon, columba livia domestica
- Electron Microscopic Studies on the Pars Tuberalis of the Turtle, Geoclemys reevesii
- Distribution and Characterization of Prolactin Immunoreactive Cells in the Pituitary of Developing Salamander, Hynobius nebulosus
- Phenology and Nitrogen Content in Leaves of Herbaceous Perennials on the Timberline of Mt.Fuji
- Morphological Studies on Neurosecretory Cells of cephalic and Thoracic Ganglia of Burrowing Shrimp, Callianassa japonica
- Researches for Cerambycidae at Hui-Sun Experimental Forest (Nantou Hsien, Central Taiwan) in June 1978
- The Effect of Hair Plucking on the Initiation of Mitosis in Cultured Mouse Hair Follicle and Epidermal Cells
- A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Blood Vascular Architecture of the Snake Hypophysis : Endocrinology
- On the Vascular Supply of Hypophysis and Distribution of Prolactin- and Thyrotropin-Immunoreactive Cells of the Adenohypophysis in the Snake, Elaphe quadrivirgata
- Preliminary Study on the Pollen Tetrads in the Orchidaceae
- A List of Frens and Flowering Plants of Mt.Fuji
- The Embryonic Development of the Hypothalamo-hypophysial System in the Lizard, Takydromus tachydromoides
- Ultrastructural Studies on the Embryonic Development of the Hypothalamo-Hypophysial System in the Lizard,Takydromus tachydromoides