Atr Spoken Language Translation Research Laboratories | 論文
- 特別連載インタビュー 超ミッションクリティカルな宇宙航空プロジェクトの秘密(最終回)
- 要求工学(第65回)ソフト製品開発の要求コミュニケーション
- 単位接続型音声合成における音素環境代替による自然性劣化の知覚的評価
- Introducing a Translation Dictionary into Phrase-Based SMT
- Recognition of Connected Digit Speech in Japanese Collected over the Telephone Network
- A Portable Text-to-Speech System Using a Pocket-Sized Formant Speech Synthesizer (Special Section on Speech Synthesis: Current Technologies and Equipment)
- Proposal of an Evaluation Set Selection Method for a Corpus-Based Speech Translation Technology
- Training Set Selection for Building Compact and Efficient Language Models
- 素片接続型音声合成器の単位選択特徴量についての検討 : 聴覚モデルとMFCCによる選択の聴取評価
- 波形接続型音声合成における音素環境代替コストの予測
- STRAIGHTとPSOLAによる単語音声分析合成音の比較評価
- Durational shrinkage by noise replacement in quasi-isochronous and hyper-isochronous contexts
- Passive hybrid subtractive beamformer for near-field sound sources
- Statistical Language Model Adaptation with Additional Text Generated by Machine Translation
- A trainable method for pronominal anaphora resolution using shallow information
- Multiple Translation-Engine-based Hypotheses and Edit-Distance-based Rescoring for a Greedy Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation(Natural-Language Processing)
- 音声合成用音声コーパス設計手法の評価
- Iterative Estimation and Compensation of Signal Direction for Moving Sound Source by Mobile Microphone Array(Engineering Acoustics)
- Effects of deviation from isochronism on the durational shrinkage by noise replacement
- アーキテクチヤ論(27)アジャイル開発とアーキテクチヤ(3)