Atr Media Integration And Communications Research Laboratories | 論文
- Real-Time Human Body Posture Estimation Using Neural Networks
- 2)画像領域の物理的特徴に基づく注目領域抽出法の評価(ヒューマンインフォメーション研究会)
- Requirement Specification Acquisition of Communications Services
- Hall Effect Measurements of Surface Conductive Layer on Undoped Diamond Films in NO_2 and NH_3 Atmospheres
- Possibility of Realizing a Gas Sensor Using Surface Conductive Layer on Diamond Films
- Charging Effect of Ion Implantation on Glass
- Raman Scattering of InGaAsP Lattice-Matched to GaAs in the Region of Immiseibility
- Nonlinear Growth of Periodic Ripple Structures with Different Spatial Periods in Laser Etching of GaAs : Etching
- Selective Etching of AI_2O_3 on GaAs using Excimer Lasers : Etching
- Nonlinear Growth of Periodic Ripple Structures with Different Spatial Periods in Laser Etching of GaAs
- Selective Etching of Al_2O_3 on GaAs using Excimer Lasers
- Smoothing of Silica Glass Surfaces by Ion Implantation
- Magneto-Optical Recording Characteristics of TbFeCo Media by Magnetic Field Modulation Method
- Analysis of Compositional Variation at Initial Transient Time in LPE Growth of InGaAsP/GaAs System
- Characterization of Interface Instability in InGaAsP LPE Growth on GaAs by Fourier Analysis
- Unstable Phase-Conjugate Resonator
- Dynamic Recording and Readout Charaeteristics of GdTbFe Using a Modified Magneto-Optical Disk Exerciser
- M-motion : Conveying Emotions Through Digital Art
- 5)画像注目領域からの印象推定に関する一考察(マルチメディア情報処理研究会)
- 2)画像からの感性要因の抽出 : 注目領域抽出法の評価(〔情報ディスプレイ研究会 ヒューマンインフォメーション研究会 マルチメディア情報処理研究会 ネットワーク映像メディア研究会 画像情報システム研究会〕合同)