Atomic Energy Research Institute College of Science and Technology, Nihon University | 論文
- Formal Solution of Fokker-Planck Equation in the Operator Approach
- Axial Anomaly for Gravitino and Unconventional FP Ghosts
- Energy Density Commutator for Massless Spin 3/2 Field in a Covariant Gauge
- Canonical Quantization of Massless and Massive Spin 3/2 Field in General Covariant Gauges
- On the Functional Measure for Quantum Gravity in the Light-Cone Gauge
- Canonical Quantum Theory of Gravitational Field with Higher Derivatives. II : Asymptotic Fields and Unitarity Problem
- Canonical Quantum Theory of Gravitational Field with Higher Derivatives
- Gauge Theories of Massless Antisymmetric Tensor-Spinor Fields of Higher Ranks and Superspace Formalism : Particles and Fields
- A Superspace Formulation of Massless Antisymmetric Tensor Fields of Higher Rank
- Canonical Quantum Theory of Gravitational Field with Higher Derivatives. III : A Formulation with an Additional BRS Invariance
- An Operator Formalism to the Path Integral Method
- An Analysis of ππ-Scatterubg Phase Shift and Existence of σ(555) Particle
- Further Analysis on σ Particle Properties
- Analysis of a Kπ-Scattering Phase Shift and Evidence for the .(900) Meson : Nuclear Physics
- Relativistic Harmonic Oscillator Quark Model with Unequal Quark Masses
- Relation between Generators of Gauge Transformations and Subsidiary Conditions on State Vectors : Point Mechanical Systems with Atbitrary Numbers of Constraints : Particles and Fields
- Manifestly Covariant Canonical Quantization of 3-D QED with Chern-Simons Term
- A Parity Invariant Regularization in 3-D Quantum Electrodynamics
- Infrared Divergences in Massless Quantum Electrodynamics
- Superparticles and Division Algebras : Six Dimensions and Quaternions