Assoc. Super‐advanced Electronics Technol. Kanagawa Pref. Jpn | 論文
- Theoretical Calculation of Photoabsorption of Various Polymers in an Extreme Ultraviolet Region
- Theoretical Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of Various Polymers at 13 nm
- Dissolution Rate Analysis of ArF Resists Based on the Percolation Model
- Sob-0.1-μm-Pattern Fabrication Using a 193-nm Top Surface Imaging (TSI) Process
- Development of Resist Materials for EUVL
- Theoretical Calculations of Sensitivity of Deprotection Reactions for Acrylic Polymers for 193nm Lithography II : Protection Groups Containing an Adamantyl Unit
- Bilayer Resist Process for ArF Lithography
- Silylation for Carboxylic Acids
- Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Silylation of Alcohol Units in ArF Lithography Resists
- Study of High Photo-speed Top Surface Imaging Process Using Chemically Amplified Resist
- Diffusion Kinetic of Vapor-phase Silylation Process for ArF Lithography
- Carbon Microfibers Grown on Graphite Electrode During Fullerene Generation Using Composite Graphite Rods
- Structures of Carbon Deposits Formed on a Graphite Electrode durirng Fullerene Generation