Asian Natural Environmental Sciences Center University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Frequent occurrence of the tetrodotoxin-bearing horseshoe crab Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda in Vietnam
- 田辺湾におけるAlexandrium catenella(Dinophycese)の栄養細胞とシストの分布
- Seasonal variation of domoic acid in bivalve Spondylus versicolor in association with that in plankton samples in Nha Phu Bay, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam
- Occurrence of domoic acid in tropical bivalves
- Domoic acid in a bivalve Spondylus cruentus in Nha Trang Bay, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam
- Screening of diatoms producing domoic acid and its derivatives in the Philippines
- New stage of the study on domoic acid-producing diatoms : A finding of Nitzschia navis-varingica that produces domoic acid derivatives as major toxin components
- Seasonal variation of paralytic and amnesic shellfish toxicities in bivalves and microalgae in Haiphong area, Vietnam
- Wide distribution of Nitzschia navis-varingica, a new domoic acid-producing benthic diatom found in Vietnam
- Accumulation of paralytic shellfish toxins in the scallop Patinopecten yessoensis caused by the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in Otsuchi Bay, Iwate Prefecture, northern Pacific coast of Japan
- The first finding of toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum in Vietnam
- Cell wall degradation of tropical and temperate forage grasses measured by nylon bag and in vitro digestion techniques
- 対談:海の沿岸域に棲む生物とIMOのバラスト水管理条約/東京大学アジア生物資源環境研究センター・福代康夫教授に聞く (特集 バラスト水への取り組み)
- New record of Heterocapsa circularisquama (Dinophyceae) from Hong Kong
- Prorocentrum (Prorocentrales: Dinophyceae) poulations on seagrass-blade surface in Taklong Island, Guimaras Province, Philippines
- バラスト水によって運ばれる有毒プランクトン (特集 海洋汚染 21世紀の課題)
- 天然の池における渦鞭毛藻 Peridinium volzii の生活史
- グローバルな海洋汚染の現状 : 富栄養化と赤潮(シンポジウム:沿岸海洋環境問題の新たな局面)
- 渦鞭毛藻Oxyphysis oxytoxoidesによる繊毛虫の捕食行動
- 過酸化水素の赤潮・有毒渦鞭毛藻シストの殺滅効果と船舶バラスト水への適用性