Akita University | 論文
- Supramolecular assembly of p-tert-butylthiacalix[6]arene with benzylamine complex based on hydrogen bond
- Expansion Behavior of MgO/Al_2O_3 Powder Compacts during Spinel Formation
- A k-εModel for the Turbulent Analysis of Bingham Plastic Fluid : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical, Properties
- Precise Positioning Control of an Elastic Support Mechanism with Voice Coil Motor
- English Grammar : The Role of Native Language Interference as Error Source
- A novel estimation method of dielectric permittivity by using scattered waves (特集 快適社会を支える計測)
- Foreword
- G0900-1-1 籾殻由来活性炭の細孔構造に及ぼすシリカ除去の効果(環境工学部門一般講演(1):資源循環・温暖化対策技術,社会変革を技術で廻す機械工学)
- Book Review: Process-Oriented Approaches to Oral Communication(Sanshusha) ed. by JACET Oral Communicaiton Special Interest Group
- Follow-up Investigation into English Education Perceived by Students in High School in Akita Prefecture : Its Ideal in the 1994-2002 Course of Study and Reality in Classes
- Simultaneous Detection of an Electric Field and a Small Quantity of Decomposition Products by Use of Several Sensor Heads and OTDR Method
- Laboratory Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments for Determining Reopening and Closing Pressures of Fractures
- Effect of Holder Heat Capacity on Bridge Shape at Low Speed Breaking Contact
- Effects of Extraction Solvents on the Extraction Efficiencies of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Reference Materials
- Structure of Symmetry Breaking in Hadronic Reactions
- Geology, mineralogy and mineral resources of Sri Lanka
- 「分かり易い耐火物の反応」 アルミナー窒化チタンおよびアルミナー炭化チタン複合体の酸化抵抗性
- G0900-1-2 籾殻と炭素繊維端材に由来する炭素系複合材料の摩擦摩耗特性(環境工学部門一般講演(1):資源循環・温暖化対策技術,社会変革を技術で廻す機械工学)
- G0600-8-3 交流磁場による磁気駆動アークの入熱分布の理論研究(熱工学部門一般講演(8):プラズマ・熱現象)
- B-4-45 電磁界計測のための誘電体球による散乱電界強度の見積り(B-4.環境電磁工学,一般講演)