Aichi Medical Univ. Aichi Jpn | 論文
- Serum Copper/Zinc Superoxide Dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD) and Gastric Cancer Risk : a Case-Control Study
- A High Level of Physical Fitness during Thirties is a Negative Risk Factor for Colonic Polyps during Fifties
- Helicobacter pylon' Risk Associated with Sibship Size and Family History of Gastric Diseases in Japanese Adults
- Does Psychological Stress Improve Physical Performance?
- Acute motor and sensory neuronopathy associated with small-cell lung cancer : A clinicopathological study
- The Medial Canthal Tendon Is Composed of Anterior and Posterior Lobes in Japanese Eyes and Fixes the Eyelid Complementarily with Horner's Muscle
- Effects of dimethyl amiloride on ionic and metabolic alterations of isoleted rabbit hearts under ischemia-reperfusion : ^P nuclear magnetic resonance study.
- An anomalous muscle linking superior and inferior rectus muscles in the orbit
- Posterior Aspect of the Orbital Septum Is Reinforced by Ligaments
- Long-term Effect of Smoking on Serum Pepsinogen Values
- Impact of Smoking and Other Lifestyle Factors on Life Expectancy among Japanese : Findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study
- Amyloid angiopathy in centenarians brain
- Pathological changes of the spinal cord in centenarians
- Pathology of spinal vascular disease
- Reactivity of Lysosomes to Inside-out Cell Membrane Vesicles in a Cell-free System
- Neuropathological study of cerebellar degeneration in prion disease
- Distribution of Neuronal Cytoplasmic Inclusions in Multiple System Atrophy
- Intermuscular Transverse Ligament Goes under the Orbital Part of the Lacrimal Gland and Attaches to the Lateral Orbital Wall
- Intraoperative Quantification Using Finger Force for Involutional Blepharoptosis without Postoperative Lagophthalmos
- Incarceration of the Inferior Oblique Muscle Branch of the Oculomotor Nerve in Two Cases of Orbital Floor Trapdoor Fracture