2nd Div. Dept. Of Intern. Med Faculty Of Med. Univ. Of Tokyo | 論文
- HETEROGENOUS MYOCARDIAL DISTRIBUTION OF BLOOD FLOW INDUCED BY ISOPROTERENOL : Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society (part III)
- 205) Regronal Myocardial Blood Flow Measured by I^131 Labelled Macroaggregated Albumin
- 182) Studies on Ventilation Perfusion Relationship in Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema (cont.) : PARTICULARLY ON 'SLOW SPACE'
- Studies on Ventilation-Perfusion Relationship using Inhalation and Perfusion Scintiscanning Method
- Study on the Acid-Base Disturbance in Chronic Renal Diseases-Clinical Evaluation of the Arterial Carbon Dioxide Tension
- 204) Effects of Some Drugs on Pulmonary Circulation in Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema
- 181) Effects of Induced Anoxia and Exercise of Pa in Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema
- 268) Effect of Unilateral Pulmonary Artery or Vein Distension by Balloon on Pulmonary Arterial and Femoral Arterial Pressure in Anesthetized Dogs
- Studies on Pulmonary Diffusion. III. The Measurement of Pulmonary Capillary Blood Volume and Pulmonary Membrane Diffusing Capacity in Cardiac Patients
- Analysis of the Pulmonary Diffusion : I. The Studies on Silicosis and Silicotuberculosis : PROCEEDINGS OF THE 25TH ANNUAL MEETING JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY (Part II)
- 183) Measure of Alveolar Oxygen Mixing Capacity in Chronic Pulmonary Diseases, particularly in Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema
- Pulmonary Regional Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships in Chronic Cardiopulmonary Disorders : II. Scintiscanning Method
- Pulmonary Regional Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships in Chronic Cardiopulmonary Disorders : I. Radioactive Rare Gas Method (Xe-133, Xe-135 and Kr-85 Method)
- Measurement of Hepatic Arterial and Portal Blood Flow and Circulation Time via Hepatic Artery and Portal Vein with Radioisotope
- Analysis of Radioactive Colloidal Gold Uptake Rate in the Liver by Electronic Digital Computer : New Analytical Method for the Determination of Liver Blood Flow
- Further Immunological Studies of Aortitis Syndrome
- Two Cases of Aortitis Syndrome with Aneurysm Formation
- Studies with Tritiated Digoxin in Renal Failure and Diabetes Mellitus
- Radiographic Appearances of Pulmonary Complications in Cardiovascular Disease
- Studies on Ventilatory Mechanics in Cardiacs and in Patients with Pulmonary Diseases