1st Dept. Of Intern. Med. Tohoku Univ. | 論文
- 血管壁硬さ分布の経皮的評価法と電子染色
- 病理標本との対応に基づいた動脈壁組織の弾性率の超音波計測
- SA-5-4 超音波による動脈壁の局所弾性特性の計測とイメージング : 病理との対照実験
- 超音波による動脈壁弾性特性の空間分布計測
- 頚動脈弾性特性の生活習慣病での測定の意義
- 頚動脈壁弾性率計測を用いた喫煙による早期動脈硬化病変の検出
- 動脈血管壁内弾性率分布のリアルタイム計測システムの開発
- PH8 右室自由壁・中隔壁・左室自由壁の運動速度と厚み変化の計測(医用超音波,ポスターセッション2)
- 高精度超音波測定による微小心筋機能計測法
- 0137 心不全における心筋壁内各層の収縮性の不均一性の重要性
- 微小振動解析法によるadriamycin心毒性の定量的診断
- Impact of Lifestyle-Related Diseases on Carotid Arterial Wall Elasticity as Evaluated by an Ultrasonic Phased-Tracking Method in Japanese Subjects
- Evaluation of Plaque Stabilization by Fluvastatin with Carotid Intima-Medial Elasticity Measured by a Transcutaneous Ultrasonic-Based Tissue Characterization System
- PJ-302 High-Resolution Measurement of Carotid Artery Wall Elasticity for Clinical Tailor-Made Risk Management of Arteriosclerosis(Atherosclerosis, clinical-09, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Usefulness of measurement of carotid arterial wall elasticity distribution in detection of early-stage atherosclerotic lesions caused by cigarette smoking
- PE-166 Influence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Carotid Arterial Elasticity Measured by the Transcutaneous Ultrasonography Using Phased-tracking Method(Atherosclerosis, clinical-7 (H) PE28,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific
- Incidence and Characteristics of Ventricular Fibrillation in Bystander-witnessed Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest with Cardiac Etiology in the City of Sendai, Japan
- 動脈硬化症における壁内組成異常計測の臨床的意義 : 2. IMT正常例での動脈壁内組成の変化(第140回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 動脈硬化症における壁内組成異常計測の臨床的意義 : 1. 臨床機器の開発と計測値の信頼性(第140回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- Estimated Incidence of Ventricular Tachycardia/Fibrillation (VT/VF) in out-of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) with Cardiac Etiologies (Preventive Medicine/Epidemiology/Education/Health Policy 5 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circul