順天堂大学 医学研究科人体病理病態学 | 論文
- Relationship between the histological degrees of hepatitis and the postoperative recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis C
- Metastatic Seeding along Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage Tracts which Occured 4 Years and 9 Months after Surgery
- Double cancers in the common bile duct : molecular genetic findings with an analysis of LOH
- The Significance of p53 Mutations as an Indicator of the Biological behavior of Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinomas
- Surgical treatment for multicentric hepatocllular carcinomas according to clonality
- Unexpected bile duct carcinoma presenting with port-site metastasis after laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cholecystolithiasis
- Early Microcirculatory Derangement in Mild and Severe Pancreatitis Models in Mice
- Cytokine modulation in acute pancreatitis
- Epithelial cell proliferation activity of the biliary ductal system with congenital biliary malformations